Monday, 6 April 2020

One and a bit from three.

On my previous post about the sampler quilt I had cut the pieces for three blocks. The last one I will be doing from the book, one from the internet and one I have done before.

So progress.

Finished the one from the book. Named as grape basket in the book, the piecing order fooled me and a bit of unpicking was required.

It will need a boarder on it to bring it up to size but that was expected in the book. I will tidy it up before doing that but am waiting , as previously mentioned till they are all done to work out the colours and sizes for the block that need adding to.

The one from the internet did have some progress.

I expect some of you will have an idea what this one is going to be.

As for the third well I made a basic mistake on the middle four blocks of cutting them at the finished size instead of plus the seam allowance so I will have to cut those pieces again before I can get on with that one.