Friday, 10 April 2020

Easter Treasure Hunt Blog hop 2020

Welcome to the fun of this years hop hosted by Jo over at serendipitous stitching now the idea is you hop from blog to blog starting from Jo's blog and ending back there collecting letters along the way to answer the puzzle.  So if you have not started with Jo and hopped your way here you might want to start with Jo and find your way here one letter at a time. Just click on the link above and your off.

 Once again I have chosen a rabbit  for my Easter themed stitching.

This is Anchor's Peter Rabbit from Cross Stitch Crazy.

Now as you might have guessed from its name this was designed for Anchor thread, but I mostly use DMC and with the help of an online conversion chart this is completed in DMC. There were French knots on the handkerchief and for the light in his eye, I was not feeling like struggling with them so I just did a tiny white stitch instead. 

And now for your letter, this year I was ahead with my sewing for the blog and took the opportunity to sew a little something for my letter. So this is also from Cross Stitch Crazy issue 212 (Feb 2016) Black work Rabbit (although it looks more like a hare to me) by Lesley Teare.  It has been awhile since I did any blackwork so this was fun.

So now you have your letter from me hop on this link that will take you to the next blog, happy Easter, happy collecting and stay safe. 


  1. So nice and clever way to show us your letter, love the blackwork! The stitched rabbit is lovely too. Joyeuses fêtes de Pâques ! xxx

  2. Nice job on Peter Rabbit. Thank you for the letter.

  3. There is nothing more Easterlike than Peter Rabbit, he's lovely, thank you for your letter, Happy Easter 🐣

  4. Thanks for taking part in the Easter Treasure Hunt this year.
    Love your Peter Rabbit, it's a very well designed piece. The little blackwork bunny is very cute too. Quick work!

  5. Peter Rabbit is adorable. French knots are not all that challenging, although I tend to do a Colonial Knot instead, never knew there was a difference.
    LOVE LOVE LOVE the blackwork rabbit - that might JUST be what I've been looking for to stitch for 2021 year of the Bunny. Lovely to meet you through the HOP

  6. Your Peter Rabbit is darling! Well done on him!

  7. Really lovely Peter Rabbit, and such a great idea to stitch your letter. I love the blackwork bunny x

  8. I love both finishes! I should try and find Peter as DD is very into the books right now. Have a Happy Easter!

  9. Lovely bunnies! Thanks for the letter.

  10. Easter and Peter Rabbit...perfect, thank you for the letter.

  11. Mister Peter looks lovely, and very deep in thought!
    Nice display for E, he's a cutie.
    Have a blessed Easter.

  12. Oh, I do so love Peter Rabbit, and your cleverly stitched E, too. Happy Easter.

  13. Your thread conversion works on Peter Rabbit. What a good idea to sew something for your letter. I hope you had a good Easter.

  14. Finally have time to hop along and collect letters. I love your bunny and your blackwork. Off to hop on. Thanks!

  15. That's lovely. Thanks for the letter!

  16. Peter is a very handsome rabbit. Thanks for the letter!

  17. Nice stitching! I love the blackwork rabbit.
