Wednesday, 7 August 2013

more celtic touches

Celtic Knot bookmark
since I mentioned the illuminated gospel inspired quilt I have been looking at the other items I have made with Celtic knot work.  It is a lot more than I had thought, though I do not know why I am surprised the designs are so strong and their beautiful complexity so stunning that they lend themselves readily to craft projects.

Here is a stitched book mark. I appear to make a lot of bookmarks of one sort or another which is ironic as I tend to use anything but a bookmark to hold my place. Receipts, corners of envelopes, used bus tickets (that is a whole other blog) sweet wrappers the list is endless, but not the ones I make.  In general other people get gifted or inflicted with those.  so expect to see more of them as I find them tucked away and snap a picture or I make more.

This particular example shows how effective variegated threads can be when combined with a Celtic knot.  The emphasise the flowing lines beautifully.
Celtic knot detail

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