Saturday, 3 August 2013

Cushions and spangles

now these are not cushions for sitting on, lying on or even just admiring.  These are the lace making cushions I was referring to in my 'touch of lace' blog.  They are also called pillow by some by you would not want to try sleeping on one.

The larger of my cushions, has a lace edging in production.

Bobbin lace
The card pattern is called a pricking, as you prick out the pattern with a needle (or there are special tools you can get) and the holes tell you where to put the pins as you work.  The pattern is in two pieces, as you finish one section and get about halfway onto the second you take all of the pins out of the first section of lace and move the pattern ready for it to be the third section, and as you work the second second piece of pattern moves to be the fourth.

As you can see I am using a mix of the basic wooden bobbins which I painted with enamel paints,( red on my first set first set and black on the second ) and some turned wood, bone, horn versions I have added over the years.        

Lace bobbins
                                                                            The beads at the ends of the bobbins help stop them rolling about, and they look pretty.  I like to have a small silver charm or a special focal bead at the middle of the loop of beads. The more expensive bobbins tend to get the equivalent quality of focal charm or semi precious stone in their bead loop.

The second smaller cushion I use has sloped edges on three sides this helps with the tension when working the lace and can be used with un-beaded bobbins but it is no good for patterns that turn corners, just small straight designs like book marks or lace cuffs. Indeed the pricking on the pillow pictured is for a bookmark.  
Lace making cushion

Bookmarks, like this one were indeed the most likely product of my lace making.  One similar to this made its way to China as a gift for the wife of a Chinese gentleman who came to my fathers factory for a working visit.  He in turn gifted me with a pack of playing cards from China.  I hope his wife liked it and it has been if some use.

Lace bookmark in three colours

But bookmarks and dollie edgings are not the pinnacle of my lace making to date.

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