Sunday 25 August 2013


I started my embroidery without the aid of a hoop, initial project just hand held and the only tension my wondering if it would work out OK.

A but then I discovered hoops, wonderful hoops.  All sorts of sizes and a variation on shape (although mainly round).  Wonderful for stopping the design going all wobbly and astray.

Then joy of joys the quilting hoop, I love my hoops.

Hoops for all tasks.
Embroidery and Quilting

Of course as I have mentioned, hoarding is in my nature so my collection of hoops has grown.  After all if you want to do several projects all at once you need enough hoops to accommodate that, don't you?

I don't generally use a hoop for cross stitch however, I prefer to hold it in my hand and mostly still mange an even tension and a flat finish.  My one (so far) exception to this rule was the smallest count design I have ever done, but it deserves a post of its own at a later date.

I am not so keen on the three blue plastic hoops with the metal inner, I don't find they have enough hold and the material slips as you work.  I keep them because I do that, and someday perhaps when I am busy spreading the sewing bug I will find someone who does like them and I can be confident they are off to a good home.

Just in case you were wondering the biggest hoop (quilting) is 21 inches.

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