Wednesday 1 September 2021

Blackwork underskirt take one

 I have been prevaricating this for two lots of wallpaper and a floor. There is no more putting it off.

So the underskirt was the first bit of need something more that I wanted to do but I had not settled on a fill pattern.

It was whilst looking for that I came across the fill for the lower section of wall paper in The New Anchor Book of Blackwork which I then amended for the upper section of wall paper.

None of the fills in the book felt like they fit. Then I thought perhaps if I did just the goldwork sections from the over dress but in dark grey that might work.

I rather enjoyed sewing in the little crosses and stars. That I like doing the blackwork and find it soothing is one of the reasons that this pattern has been getting its additional fills. However, much as I liked sewing this I got to this point with the bits of the skirt under the chair still to do and decided I did not like it. Too big, to solid just not right at all.

So out it had to come. Now I will be honest the thought of unpicking it did give me pause and I gave it several hard stairs trying to convince myself it was just fine or maybe would be with something in the middle of the squares to break up that big space. And then I clipped the threads at the back and pulled it all out. 

Once the decision was made the unpicking was oddly therapeutic in its own right, as the grey fluff  pile grew. 

An once it was unpicked, well back to contemplating.


Sheryl said...

This is a lovely pattern, turning out very interesting. How about the tiniest stars just stitched randomly.

Judy said...

I love how you've modified this. I think the underskirt pattern needs to be a bit more flowing, instead of having the same grid like pattern as the other skirt. Beautiful work!