Thursday 30 September 2021

BFF SAL The Christmas One

 Week two and I am still using whatever thread bits that look reasonable. 

I normal prefer to work touching stitches and not make the counts across empty space to the next area.

In this instance I have been doing the opposite and making the count of faith.


Because I am still in a funny mood with this and want to stitch the bit I want to stich next whether it is connected to the last bit done or not.

I have a start on all the characters depicted except the Toffee Cow. I will be doing the Toffee Cow next week for certain.

I am still being a little indecisive on the colour to do Joseph's robe (my BFF's husband was passing when I mentioned that and commented "its many colours" to which we both responded "wrong Joseph!"

So here it is so far

and to see how my BFF is approaching the same design Click Here

1 comment:

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

You two have definitely chosen different directions to take your stitching this week. I did laugh at the wrong Joseph!