Thursday 3 June 2021

BFF Sal 3 All finished bar the finishing!

 well my BFF and I have played leap frog with this one as to who was ahead or behind. However at the last for the stitching at least my friend reached the finish line first. Now I might have been more on a level but for those corners and my need to fill them up.

I eventually decided what they needed was some green to balance out the sides.  I chose the lighter of the greens I had used and put a second circle in half a stitch from the original one.

Could I leave it there, well no I filled up those half stitches on the sides with cross stitches in the fine pale pink cord and the corners with a long stitch.

And how much extra time did all that take? Well my BFF was finished before our stitching time for the night was up (time enough for her to start the what next question) and I had finished the first three green rings by the time it was stopping time and The Sewing Bee time...but I had special dispensation to "finish" took the full Sewing Bee to get it done.  Mind in that time they made the dress from Dirty Dancing, a children's play outfit from curtains a la Sound of Music and a jazzy dress in the style of Dream girls. 

So here it is ..ta da...

It will need a bit of a press. And as for the finishing, well I have always intended this for a book cover and I expect that there will be some wadding involved and maybe a teensy bit of quilting and perhaps a few stitches where the pale crosses cross (I saved then for just that reason).

I have done a couple of sewn covers before but not one with a cross stitch to get in the right place, could be interesting.

Now I have a book in mind, but have not 100% settled on the material to use I have a greenish grey, there is some nice brown that might do and of course that choice may impact on how I do the cover.

And what will go in the book ah! now there is the rub, people are always getting me beautiful note books, ones with dragons on, or sequins, embossed leather and I get intimidated but the outer delights and feel that I need something similarly grand to go in them and the poor things languish waiting to be used. That may yet also be the fate of this piece. Will just have to wait and see. 

Click HERE to see how the patterns alter ego turned out over on my BFF's blog


Roni said...

Had a feeling it would not stop at the green! Looks fabulous finished though, and I look forward to finding our next project soon too.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I do like what you did with the corners. I also love your couched Knotwork symbols.
I don't really use notebooks, I have a stitching diary but otherwise I use the back of an envelope or a spreadsheet to make lists!