Wednesday, 19 March 2025

BFF 17 coining a new term

 we were both doing "filling in" tonight. And having a nice chat, my BFF even got to fit words in the right way and not just sideways.

I was mentioning that adding some stitches to the sky in addition to those on the pattern had crossed my mind but I was holding firm on not Deborahizing (aka adding things on and making things more difficult than they need to be) and my BFF noted she had been thinking in the opposite direction of leaving off the whisp of light blue cloud and the backstitch seagulls. We have therefore decided that leaving elements off without replacing them with something else will henceforth be called doing a  Roni. After all our word for complicating things is a lengthening of my name, so a word for simplifying is a contraction of hers. 

I finished all of the cross and half stitches this evening. Roni's eyes did not feel as cooperative as mine tonight so she did not quite get there. She has off screen time dispensation to get to the point of Backstitching and we will both be doing that next time. I say next time and not next week as we will have a two week gap due to other commitments of a Wednesday evening.

I have taken this weeks update snap in the frame that came with the kit, partly to see how the sky looks and if my shortened rocks gives too much sky that might need more cloud to balance it.

Click Here to pop on over to my BFF's blog and her updated.

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