Wednesday, 12 March 2025

BFF SAL 17 Sagt mir, wo die Blumen sind

 my brain offered up that phrase, yes in the German (where have all the Flowers gone) whilst I was stitching the pink in the section most impacted by the miscount of the grey. Which has resulted in there being less flowers on my piece than on the patten. 

And why that and in the German? Once upon a time in addition to French (which I struggled with) my school decided some of us would "do" German. So for a year I tried to do both languages. Not particularly successfully, and the teacher though that learning songs might help. So we did, Where have all the Flowers gone, which to be honest I thought was originally in German and translated to English and not as is the case the other way around. And an odd song that also circles back on itself about an egg stealing dog. Now in my memory that is 

 Ein Mops kam in die Küche,

Und stahl dem Koch ein Ei.
Da nahm der Koch den Löffel*,
Und schlug den Mops entzwei.
Da kamen alle Mops,
Und gruben ihm ein Grab,
Und setzten ihm einen Grabstein,
worauf geschrieben stand:

"Ein Mops kam in die Küche..."

Now I had to look up Mops tonight as I wondered if my memory was off as that is not German for Dog, but apparently it is for a Pug dog. So I guess the version we were taught was with pugs (ok I had to look up the everything past the first line ). Neither are what you would call jolly, and as a final song, well the teacher presented Elvis singing I don't have a wooden heart and noted his accent was perfect!

The year of German had a detrimental impact on my French and neither language continued after that experiment year.  

I find it very amusing that knowing I struggle with spelling in English (hooray for the spell checker, although I do occasionally stump it with what word I may have been trying to spell) and the sad state of my attempts at European languages, I am now trying to learn Korean!

So this evening sewing generated trip down memory lane for languages and a for song lyrics randomly generated by my brain. Sometimes my BFF and I have conversations that devolve into song lyrics, part of our same but different and also different but the same vibe CLICK HERE to see her progress and also see what I mean in the title of her blog.

Next session I have blue to sew and the backstitching if I get that far. 

Oh and that reason for trying Korean, and a link to their most recent original song 

Mind my language teacher may have been onto something about singing and languages, but perhaps not in the way she approached it. People who sing, hear the nuances in sounds and in hearing the differences perhaps they find it easier to then make the relevant sound. After all in English we say someone has an ear for languages not a mouth!

So on that thought a double video link , this one to a solo performance. Although I don't think he "speaks" all those languages he certainly sings them well.

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