Friday, 24 January 2025

Mathematical impossibility ?

 That is what my design desire on this quilt appears to be. You may recall the blue quilt, with the fan quilting design machine quilted. And it left the sashing area feeling a bit loose. So I thought to add some circles, which then turned into the circular logo of my favourite group.

CLICK HERE to jump to the post about adding the logo. 

Which led me to thinking that to be a proper "fan" quilt it needed something more.

Which I thought would be the members names, there are four. As there are four sashes coming out from each circular logo I though that each circle could have the four names coming from them. So far so good but this is where I hit a problem. I was also wanting the four sashes left to right to have the four members names in them, and to not have any name twice in the same row.

Ah! now that won't work.

My BFF being a tech type (coding and smart stuff) even tried to sort out my desires with a bit of AI.


So I tried with a bit of paper and coloured tabs to see if I could find an alternative that I found acceptable.

This meets my first criterial but totally ignores the second and goes for pattern and allows for repeats.

It does mean that each repeat of a name is on the same axes, either horizontal or vertical. Potentially that might be helpful on a couple of points. Firstly I will only need to create one template per name, the horizontal space differs to the vertical.  Second, whilst the names in Hangul are each formed by three batchim, the syllabic blocks for Korean, the number of letters in those blocks differ and two might benefit from being in the horizontal space.

So here is the revised plan so far.

Each name is represented by a colour.

And I think I have all four colours around each  circle.

And each colour the same number of times (6)

There will be a distinct top and bottom.

The names to go on are





The top two being the vertical and the bottom two the horizontal, probably. 

There is no space to add anything down the sides, but I do have space at the top and bottom  for which I am contemplating the name of the group and the Fandom name. I did consider using those spaces for member names to see if it would fix my mathematical issue. But as the space there is yet another different size I'm not currently inclined to consider that further.

I am going to wait on this a little bit, and look at it some more to see if I remain happy with the arrangement. If anyone visiting has any suggestions in the meantime  please leave a comment. I will be asking the same thing of the hive mind of the various Facebook quilting groups I am in. 

And I can hardly do a post about my fan obsession without adding a link to one of their songs. This is from their last concert with all four members. In May they will be four once more as Ko Woo-Rim's military service will be completed. The fandom is looking forward to that, and to hearing their recent songs arranged for all four voices, because they are each wonderful artists and amazing as a trio but they really shine when they are four together.

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