Thursday, 23 January 2025

BFF SAL 17 and RAL?

I never did get around to my allowed finishing time for the SAL, so I started with that during our get together, started and finished.

 Although I was still grumbling about that last bit of grey on the foreground boat, it has made a difference.

I have a bit of paper in my hand bag, there is nothing on it. As I do a tidy out I think what's this here and just as I am about to throw it out I recall it is the size of this cross stitch.

I have had it in my bag since I realised the frame I had in mind was not suitable.

I do better with something the full and correct size than I do with just the measurements written down.

Fingers crossed that my BFF and I both find frames to size soon.

Having finished with this I did not feel like anything that needed counting so my RAL was on Bits -A -Quilt . The extra quilting I thought it could do with.

Just little circles, I can do a few and then put it back on the bed in-between times.

CLICK HERE to see what my BFF was doing on her RAL.

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