Sunday 24 September 2023

The Cat's Whiskers

 I was not sure what to use for whiskers on my cat, and he needed whiskers.  Then my mother said what's that on the floor? I expected it to be a bit of thread, its often an escaping bit of thread  however it was a bristle (new carpet brush, think it fell out when I was unwrapping it) and it was just what I needed. 

So cat has whiskers, and a collar and tag.

I think I am through meddling with him and can move on to my next felting project. Which I hope to be a progression in my learning and in developing my style, maybe.


Roni said...

A very clever way to create whiskers! I love his little collar too

Astrids dragon said...

He looks fantastic, you did a great job! The whiskers look good too.
I have a felt kit, but haven't tried it yet.