Sunday, 4 December 2022

Sunday Stitching twice

 You may recall that my Sunday Stitching stalled as I was having trouble separating out the colours and there were no thread numbers in the kit for comparison.

I reached out to both the Country Companions and The World of Cross Stitching (source of the kit) Facebook groups for assistance.

Cross Stitching .com (that's the W of CS one) came through quite quickly with the numbers for the key (printed in the magazine just not on the key in the kit)

Therefore, last Sunday I was able to move past the green wellies, but then I forgot to post.

This picture is two Sundays worth of stitching.

We started singing Christmas Hymns at church today.  Joy to the world and Once in Royal David's city.

I am very fond of both.

1 comment:

  1. How nice that WOCS were able to help out. These are such cute designs, I had a couple of friends who liked to stitch these back in the 1990s.
