Friday, 18 November 2022

BFF10 Farewell to the Ood

 and hello to the angel.

The black backstitching banished the Ood with no lingering trace. Happily, the angel that replaced it is not the blinking kind.

I had dispensation to finsh off the wings and make a start on the backstitch, so fliping it over time for backstitching the wings whilst Skyping.

The face has a Picasso feel on the reverse!

Although backstitch is not completely accurate, in the hopes of making the "back" of the wings as neat as possible I did Holbein Stitch. It takes a bit more time and thought on the way out but is a lot of fun on the way back.

I think it went OK.

I still have some backstitch to go on the main part of the angel in gold thread, that too will be in dispensation time.

Cutting and assembling will be for the next get together and we will be at approximately the same stage on our differing projects.

CLICK HERE to see my BFF's progress.


  1. I didn't know that stitch pattern had a name, you've taught me something new there! And my cutting will be in dispensation time as I can't chop accurately and talk too 🙃. But assembly I can cope with.

  2. I'm looking forward to seeing her come together. She definitely looks like a friendly angel, we can blink away!

  3. She’s very sweet and the wings are beautiful. Did you tell us why they are stitched on the reverse of the fabric?
