Wednesday, 2 November 2022

BFF SAL Winging it!

 Back to the cross stitch this week, the previous frustrations all forgotten .

Back to the wings and stitching with one strand  (as per the pattern) the lighter colours  on the white were proving difficult to see, so I decided to do the the darkest shade first.

Moving onto the second wing it is just a mirror image of the first, so I stopped looking at the pattern and just reflected the one already completed.

If I get into a rhythm next week, I might get the cross stitching finished but I don't thing I will get all the back stitching sorted. But we shall see.

Pop on over to see my BFF's update, it makes me think of the grinch. CLICK HERE

1 comment:

  1. That’s interesting, the wings are stitched on the reverse of the fabric. Is there some clever folding to finish this piece?
