Thursday, 28 April 2022

BFF SAL 9 Side by side

 my BFF and I managed to get together this week and we decided that our projects could also have a play date!

So my BFF got out her project so I could see just how big the piece of material was laid out, and I added mine to the table.

The contrast in sizes generated some chuckles


I was rather impressed with the progress on the many many edge designs that my BFF had achieved. Click here to see how those colours came to be.

We then had a little technical equipment investigation, Roni may have told you about that in her update and I am still mulling over if it is something I want to pursue.

This evening I continued on with the corner section.  On completing it I realised that it was a bit unique! One stitch out right at the start equals being unique.

So I will now need to unique the other three corners to match. Ah well stitches happen and it was too much to unpick over one as that is hard on the material as well as my eyes and my inner happy.

It will of course impact on my decisions going forward as to what I do after the corners are completed.

As you can see I have chosen a lighter shade in the same colour range for my corners.

Click on THE LINK to see how much more progress my BFF has made on her project.

I am a bit later posting than my BFF as I have just started an NCFE Level 1 Award in Creative Craft using Art and Design...that course title sounds longer than the 4 weeks (just 1 three hour session a week) course.  Expect a separate post or posts about that at a later date.


  1. It looks good, despite the unique change. I look forward to hearing more about the craft course too.

  2. They look fabulous together. I like your tone on tone idea. It doesn't look like there's room for all the borders on your fabric? Unless it's foclered under?
