Wednesday, 20 April 2022

BFF SAL 9 I told her so!

 and now she can see it. Click Here to see just how far ahead she is currently

My BFF is sewing this faster than I am, the design clicks with her brain in ways it is not with me.

That is not to say I am not making progress I am.

And each time a section joins up or a swirl is completed it is satisfying.

We both anticipate the central section will be completed on out off sewing time allowances before next week. So there will be decisions to make on the borders, for both of us one of colour and for me also do I do the intended ones as strips bottom and top sampler style (as I have too small a piece of material to do the full set at the sides?

Time yet to make up my mind, although we have both noted that there appears to be a sparsity of choice in the square frames out there so perhaps  alterations to a rectangle might be worth it.


  1. OK OK you were right. You're not far behind though, and your finish line is closer due to the lack of side space. So we may well even out somewhere along the way?

  2. That's a fabulous design. It seems to have stitched up quite quickly too.
