Sunday, 23 January 2022

IHSW...yeah I remembered!

 So many months I have planned to participate in the IHSW (International Hermit and Stitch Weekend) and month after month either I would forget or something would come up so I could not work on my designated project.

This month although the time available was a bit limited by other commitments and health issues I did manage to stitch.

So two planets completed and the edges of the others rounded a little.  Nice to be filling those spaces.

Also nice to be making a start on this this year fingers crossed I can keep up with it  going forward.

I an hoping joining the Facebook group for the IHSW will help me remember before rather than after the date when the weekend is due.


  1. Nice... Coming along nicely again

  2. I'm glad you were able to stitch, it's nice to see two finished planets!

  3. Lovely progress! The planets are small but detailed from the looks of them.
    Joining the group is a great idea. I always do an event for the next month as the previous weekend is finished
