Thursday, 27 January 2022

BFF SAL 6 top and toe

 well hair and shoes bit close enough.

I went with the dark brown and then made a start on the mid brown. It was a very relaxing stitch and a fun conversation with my BFF about her new crafting adventure CLICK HERE to pop to her post with all the details.  Suffice it to say we had a good laugh at thinking up names for the items created as such things in the tradition of the fantasy fiction or Norse mythology are supposed to have names you know.

Here is my progress picture.

My mother thinks it is a Christmas tree.

Now my BFF has oft thought she stitches slower then me and I say not, and tonight as she alludes to in her blog we realised what the real problem is.  If we discuss something and are not sure of the answer, the title of a film, the lyrics of a song just about anything well my BFF can't  resist searching out the answer on google...she is relentless until she has wrangled and answer.

Now I think it must be that, I think we work out somewhat even on pausing to show and tell about projects we are working on or patterns we are considering but the internet searching nope that is not in the least even!

So to see how much progress she made after searching out the answer to ? you know I can't recall what it was tonight that needed looking up! anyway just CLICK HERE


  1. Magnum it was... The name of the blade will wait for another day though

  2. I know it's going to be so cute! I haven't made one before, but look forward to seeing this finished.
