Thursday, 4 November 2021

A little finish (BFF 4 )

you may recall (and if not then click here) the SAL my BFF and I worked on where we each ended up with a different cropped section of the image.

I had cropped mine into an arch reflective of the original full sized design. That arch shape from the outset made me think of an arched window   Especially given the arched windows in the design itself.

Then I remembered  having a rather deep frame , in a grey that would complement the shades in the design.

The deep section was before the glass not behind and that sent me thinking some more.  Of what would be  on the windowsill of my view through the arched window. (Yes I am old enough for that turn of phrase to make me think of Playschool )

Flower pots?

Out with the DAZ..which amazingly is the same block that I used to finish off my nativity in 2015 and it is still good.

Plant pots made, painted and varnished, I had thought to make a mini topiary out of some green stuff.(you know the kind you use to scrub pans) But then I recalled some flower bits in the loft. A double win as they were an OK size I did not have to make something and something else came out of the loft.(the first being the grey frame)

So after all that explanatory waffle here is the result.

For something that is so different from the initial starting point I am rather pleased with the final finish and with the chance to do something a bit different for me.

I can move the flowers if I like and I guess there is also the option, in the future should I be suitably inspired, for other things to take a turn on my windowsill.

You may have been expecting an update on BFF 5. We had both had a bit of a stressful day on our normal SAL day and we ended up with a brief chat and no sewing. Given the subject matter of BFF5 and the speeding up of the timeframe we are allowing ourselves 2 hours out of Skype time and will either post as we finish those hours or next week with the normal posting.

A small here to see how my BFF framed hers.


  1. Brilliant finish. It always good to remove something from the hoard, and using it on a fully finished project is doubly good.

  2. Nice! I look forward to seeing it with the other addition too, given our discussions!
