Sunday 31 October 2021

Halloween Trick or Treat Blog Hop 2021

Wow it is that time already?  Indeed it is scary how time passes so fast, almost like magic!

If you are a blog hop regular you can skip this paragraph, if this is all new to you then read on. The hop is hosted by Jo over at serendipitousstitching she gives participating bloggers a letter to post alongside their themed stitching and if you hop from blog to blog collecting the letters and hopefully enjoying some spooky or magic stitching and leaving comments (we bloggers like comments) along the way you will discover the phrase for this year.  So if you did not start over with Jo and you want to join in you might like to click on the link above and start at the beginning. That's assuming I am not the beginning as I don't know where my letter comes at time of posting.

This year I had 99% of my stitch for the blog finished nice and early, very early but not as early as my BFF which probably spurred me on.

This is from Cross Stitch Crazy's Fantasy Collection Designer Chart Book. The individual design does not have a title listed but comes under the heading "Cast a Spell" and is by Shannon Wasilieff.

If you have visited with me before you will be aware that on occasion ( OK quite often with smaller designs) I change things a bit from the original. In this instance instead of the 10 different colours charted for the dress, hat and ribbons I used just 2, but variegated thread I had in my oddments box. 

The hair was supposed to be 3 shades, I blended two in the needle (some call that tweeding) instead. 

Left off a potion bottle and wand, added to the purple smoke (originally 1 shade I again used variegated).

And....(I chuckle yes there is an and) on the original in the middle of the purple smoke was  a bit of green...but that space was just too serendipitous not to make better use of and that was the last 1%  of this project that had to wait till Jo sent me my letter.

And here it is conjured up for you by this rather bonny witch.

Letter collected (comment left ?) time for the link to the next blog on your journey to discover just

CLICK HERE to visit needlepensword. and keep on collecting. Don't forget to go back to Jo at the end and comment your answer (you can't check it straight away as she will moderate comments and not reveal it or peoples guesses till the hop is over.  Good hopping...


jocondine said...

Excellent! Lovely pattern, very great choice of thread colors. How clever and generous for your visitors to offer us your letter in this smoking welcoming soup. Merci beaucoup et joyeuses fêtes d'Halloween ! Amicalement. xxx

RONI said...

Hahaha I love it! And a handy use for variegated threads which don't often get to work their magic. Happy Halloween my Friend.

Ruth said...

Delightful start to the hop! I always enjoy (and appreciate) the edits and adjustments you make to designs. I find myself more willing to tweak things myself as I get older. Thanks for the encouragement and inspiration. Happy Halloween!

Denise :) said...

Cute stitchery! I think your variegated floss worked perfectly! LOVE the way you incorporated your letter into the project ... you clever girl, you!! :)

Lauriejo said...

I always enjoy seeing the changes you make to patterns. It is nice to know I'm not the only one.

Shelly said...

Very clever with your letter in the steam! Your witch is too cute!

Astrids dragon said...

She's adorable, your changes are lovely. I love how you added the letter with the smoke, very original!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Thanks for taking part in the Halloween Blog Hop this year. Your witch is wonderful! I love the dress and trim in the variegated thread and the letter in the smoke is pure genius!

Mary's Thread said...

Your witch is so cute! Happy Halloween!

Clare-Aimetu said...

Thank you for your letter, perfect adaptation. Happy Halloween 🎃

Tiffstitch said...

That is so clever! Beautifully done

Leonore Winterer said...

What a cute stitch, and how clever to add your letter to it - thank you!