Thursday, 24 June 2021

BFF 4 weekly update.

 Filling in green, adding a bit of blue and wondering if we have bitten off a bit more than we wanted to chew.

Not sure why but measurements do not translate in my head to the size of something (note I managed not to measure the material even once tonight to check the pattern would fit) and as I stitch this I keep thinking it is big, bigger than it felt when we picked it and as full coverage it it the largest of out BFF projects so far. I know we will enjoy doing it but I foresee the occasional agreed divergence for something small and quick to keep this fresh.

Now if you click here you can pop on over to my BFF's blog and see how she is getting on with this piece. (well once she has updated her blog at least)

1 comment:

  1. It's funny how they look so totally different from each other!
    What is the stitch count?
