Thursday, 20 August 2020

Green, green a bit of blue

 so this evening it was back to sewing, but double strands, I was rather looking forward to that and possibly completing the grass on the right of the pattern.  Going along quite nicely I thought might get it all done about the same time my friend finished the second big tree?

Nah! Although got quite a bit done I still had plenty to do as my friend finished tree, did one thread length of grass and announced she felt the need to do blue as she just was not feeling the green!

Well I could not have her making a start on the big bluebells and just keep going with the green!  So I did a bit of blue too, on tiny bluebells.  

Fits in with the split approach so far, her "big" trees my "little" trees so the same approach to the first bluebells felt appropriate.

You know as I look at that grass at the bottom and I think it looks a bit like Jabba the Hutt's head or maybe Slimer from Ghostbusters.

We are both now chomping at the bit to do some of the variegated sections, so we have decided to do one of the green variegated section and to do them at the same time. 

It should be interesting to see the difference the count  size (14 for my friend and 18 for me)  makes to the way the variegation  appears. I would assume there will be faster movement in the shading on the lower count.

I also have the feeling that my centring may have been off and I might run out of material at  the bottom before I run out of pattern to stitch, who knows maybe I measure all wrong and I will do the same at the top, happily given the way the pattern is laid out I think that will still be OK.

It fits side to side at least......

Oh I almost forgot to add THE LINK to my friends blog so you can see BIG things!


  1. Love it... And it totally looks like Slimer!

  2. Great work. I can see Slimer and Jabba in there!

    By the way - champing at the bit is the original English expression but Americans use chomping because they don't know what champing means!
    Fascinating linguistic fact of the day!

  3. That is a lot of green but it looks good. I hope that you have just enough fabric to stitch the bottom of your design. I think we have all done that with the fabric one time or another.
