Thursday 30 July 2020

Together, separately, the same yet different

My BFF started off our second stitch a long by informing me "I want to be a tree!" which s also part of the title of her blog and as she has posted first this time the link to her blog is at the beginning rather then the end of mine.

So I can can comment on hers here too.  So yes I did tell her that the middle is often a good place to start, but I don' insist on it. It would be a bit hypocritical of me to do so as I do think it depends on the pattern and I have started bottom left, top left, top right and bottom right, all pints of the compass as I felt the pattern needed.  

so she had initially told me she would be starting with the happy little trees, now the pattern has large mid ground trees of which we see trunk and no foliage, mid sized trees seen in full and very small trees blurred and in the background barely seen, so I did wonder what she planned to do. 

I was thinking the big trunks as a good place and a quick test of the question is my material big enough height wise. A quick e-mail exchange and that was also her plan she had just been channelling Bob Ross for the fun of it.

On the evening I started in the middle with on of the colours completed with one strand not two as I wanted to stitch out from the centre to the tree trunk and then start, as you can see from my friends she trusts herself to count over to the starting point.

In a way we were both starting with tree trunks, me on the tiny furthermost trees and she on the big ones. 

I got into the flow with this area changing from the trunks to the foliage (which I miss counted, frogged and re did) and just kept going with it expecting to do brown tree at some point in the evening.

I did get to the point tree was an option, then oh dear , I don't have that shade of thread.  I had not thought to check , I have boxes of the stuff, but apparently not some of the more recent (to me)colours not the dark of the trunk or the light of the trunk and indeed one of the blues.  I am bereft of 3800's.

So I just kept on with the single strand trees.

now if we were working on the same stitch count (mine is 18 count BFF is using 14 count as per the pattern recommendation) and the same colour then the two would fit together as I have a gap to the left of the section in progress right where her tree goes.

We were getting so comfortably into this (even with the frog) we are already talking about what to do once this is finish, which given it is weather permitting to be alternated with walks will take twice the time to do.  This time, well next time we are thinking of setting ourselves a theme and not restricting to stitching the same pattern.  My BFF feels I should pick something that takes a bit longer as I sew faster (I unpick faster too, lots of practice). So in the not sewing time we can be pattern hunting.

What theme, well its a multi theme at the moment till we see what we can come up with, so we have Umbrellas (as they are company for our walks both past and future) poppies, if you have visited with me before you know I like poppies. BFF says she has lots of poppy patterns from magazines, cos I would not let her throw them away and last but not least frogs and toads and the why for that is for my friend to tell if they do become the thing.

Of course if anyone knows of a pattern with all of them combined we would love to know about it (can't guarantee it would get stitched but it would be interesting all the same.


Faith... said...

You are off to a good start too! Hope you can get the colors you are missing.

I don't think I have ever seen a chart with frogs and poppies together but I am sure there are frogs and umbrellas. I would just google it and see what comes up. Maybe then you could just add a couple of small poppies in around the bottom?

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Great start. I love that you are having fun together stitching the chart. I like to visit both blogs one after the other to compare!