Monday, 30 December 2019

A bit of scrappy Magic

that bag of interesting off cuts from Nikita is a gift that just keeps on giving and also turning into gifts as well.

A bit of sparkly material with various Flower Fairies by Cicely Mary Baker again just enough to make bags.  They are slightly different sizes to allow for a wider seam allowance on the bag where the selvedge was part of the available material. 

I was pleased that there was enough that each bag had some full fairies and butterflies on each side.  

On one bag both patterned panels were the same, the other has something different on each side.  That is just the way the material worked out.  Both bags are lined.  I did consider adding button embellishments but the buttons I had in mind did not complement the design sufficiently to use.  Ah well I have them for another time.

Both bags are Christmas gifts for my wonderful pen pal, she was visiting today so I was able to give them to her she appears to be pleased with them.


  1. Such lovely bags. I used to love flower fairies when I was younger x

  2. Your bags are lovely, a great gift. Especially now we like to reduce our use of plastic bags.
