Sunday, 8 September 2019

Sampler quilt..wild geese?

Well here is my attempt to turn two large and eight small squares into eight big triangles and sixteen little triangles.

I am going to show you the pictures I took of the stages and the the end (sort of) result.

Here we go

Big squares with little one's on the corner

Touching corners trimmed off

Then you sew a line quarter inch either side of the diagonal in the middle

then cut on that diagonal line.

small squares in the other corner , then a similar set of sewing and cutting.

gets the components of flying geese...well sort of gliding not quite falling  geese

sew together the units

and again and you get the wild geese block

Oh looking at that I am getting so much better at taking pictures as this looks so much better in this picture than in reality (makes a change) as the points look better than they are and squaring up the sides to fit into the quilt is not going to be as easy as cropping the photo.

Now on reflection I can see the merits of this method and that it will be much quicker than cutting out individual triangles and sewing them together.  My only concern with it is if you go wrong then you have gone wrong on several pieces and not just one.

I remain more unique than perfect in my quilts and ever hopeful that once I get to the quilting, the quilting will help to hide or correct a multitude of uniqueness.  

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