Sunday 1 September 2019

Sampler quilt.. Rose of Sharon

Well this is an applique block.  I have done many an applique before but my way of doing it is a little different.  I did smile at the instructions telling me to take care to work out the sewing order and which piece went under which.  Doing that for this block was a great deal simpler than doing it for  the centre panel of Monument Dragon.

However that is not to say I found this block either easy or relaxing.  The geometry is less forgiving than a dragons coils and my finished piece has a rather unique take on symmetry.

I had thought I had a bit of fabric left from card trick to include in this one so there would be at least two uses of it in the quilt.  But alas I was mistaken.  It is making me rethink that block yet at the same time I am not sure I can be bothered to redo.  I guess only time will tell when I get to the end of the patches in the book.

oh I had marked the outline on with washable pen, it all came out just fine, here it is before washing in cold water.

I think the colours show a bit better on this picture. Next up is flying geese.  Not tried that before, then that is the whole point of this sampler quilt journey. 

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