Sunday, 24 March 2019

Format changes

Those following via the Google+1 no longer show on the blog page due to the changes to that is vanishing.  Those following via blogger still show.  I am not wonderfully technically minded but if I can figure out a way to better show followers I will do so.

Oh and those comments made via Google plus, well they have vanished too.

Whilst I am making a note of the page rather than sharing stitching I would note that the flag counter and blogger do not always agree where posts are coming from.  So I can see a new country recorded as having been the origin of a visit on blogger yet that country does not show on the flag counter.  Both often show unrecognised or unknown country.

So if you have visited and your flag is not making an appearance I am sorry, doubly so as I like seeing new countries added.

If anyone is a whizz at setting things up I would be delighted at any advice you could give, either into the comments box, or via the e-mail contact box.

In case you were wondering, I still have the cough, however it is getting better to the point that a level of stitching is possible so there should be some updates on projects soon.

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited! I can finally comment on your blog! I have also been able to officially Follow for the first time too.

    I got an email notification of a comment from you about joining the Easter Blog Hop. You are currently a "no-reply" commenter, so I just wanted to check you are still using your original email?
