Tuesday, 5 March 2019

All paused for a cough

yes my gleeful progress on the cross stitch project ground to a halt.  Not as usually is the case because I got tired of the confetti or the blending (tweeding) or even hunting for ninjas.  Not because I made a mistake and needed to give it a time-out till I calmed down sufficiently to sort it out.

No I got



The kind that is not in any way compatible with sewing.

Not of any type, and the medical professional advises it is of a type going around, except it is not going it is lingering, so really what she was saying is it is a type which is lingering around for weeks.

It has already been 12 days of no choice not sewing.

Beginning to wonder if all of my symptoms are now cough related or withdrawal from crafting.

The "patch" therapy of Facebook is not helping with the cravings much at all.

Well I guess I better follow advice, drink lots of water, ect and hope things get better (i.e crafting enabled) soon.  That and watch the Great British Sewing Bee (with side orders of Masterchief). 


  1. Oh no... feel better soon! Twelve days is MORE than enough.

  2. Apparently the cough does not feel it is more than enough, as it is still with me...lingering worse than the frog...actually I sound a bit like I have swallowed the frog!
