Sunday, 28 May 2017

Sunday stitching time

Here is is the new sunday stitching project, starting with the dark brown.  I know it is not the most wonderful picture but then there is not a lot to see yet.  I may work colour by colour as I did for the Aveling and Porter, I may not, not sure yet.  
This is the second of the two-for-pound. kits I bought from the pound shop.

One talk today were about time and the way we use and prioritise it, it made me think of the sentiment on many an old sampler, that it was evidence they had learned not to sit idle..although I can't recall the exact words. (If any one visiting can please add to the comments, or use the e-mail box if blogger won't let you comment).   I also recognise the issue of time when considering all the WIP's I have (Works in progress, or for many Works in plan) and all the stash for things not yet even at the planning stage.

My pen pal friend's husband gave that talk and she followed with one on forgiveness.  That can be a difficult thing to do and a subject that is particularly of concern and thought just short of the Manchester bombing.

I wonder how many other topics will be sewn into this particular piece.  

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