Saturday, 6 August 2022

The People choose Outer Space

 This is a monthly share a pattern (current or past) on a theme voted for by previous participants.

So today I think I have enough to participate.

Firstly the moon and stars from this birth sampler I designed inspired by both the child's name and the nursery picture the grandmother to be sent me.

I had been looking for material that matched the wall colour but had to settle for including it in the shades of the moon. CLICK HERE for an in progress image.

Like Jo I have also completed the stitching on this little bear but I have not fully finished it as yet.

but it made its appearance as part CLICK HERE for a reminder of that of a Christmas Advent

And of course there is Millennium and the Solar System (minus the Sun)

Which had some of it sewn during the Eurovision and the appropriately (for this theme) titled UK entry

Now if you did not space walk to my blog from Jo's then pop on over by clicking HERE and seeing what else is being shared on the theme.

And just for those popping in after I have discovered this delightful group a link to a themed piece of music I have become very fond of.


  1. Thanks for taking part in The People's Choice this momth. How neat that we have the same design in our post! And a baby sampler too. Very serendipitous.
    I love the planets for your Teresa Wenztler piece, they are well worth the time each one takes to stitch.

  2. Those designs are lovely - the baby sampler especially!
