Thursday, 4 August 2022


 As noted last week we are having a hiatus from the SAL whilst we find something suitable for us both.

My BFF was contemplating quilting this week so I prepared a bit of quilting for myself.

A  panel that was given to me in amongst a bag of bits .

Just a nice size for a cushion.

So I have made a start, I intend to hand quilt the bear and doll house and then stipple stitch on the machine around the bear and house.

It has been quite some time since I did any hand quilting and it was rather soothing.

CLICK HERE to see how my BFF's quilting went..or perhaps...

Oh I also spent quite a bit of time binge watching The Sword and the Brocade , all 45 episodes. It is a Chinees drama with English subtitles.  Making it good for the person with a cough but can't stitch to it, but then at times the cough makes stitching to it difficult.

It has a back story of embroidery in the Ming dynasty and at one point (I think episode 24) the leading lady mid embroidery runs out of black silk and is about to stop working for the evening..letting down her hair she suddenly thinks oh! and starts to sew with her hair!

CLICK HERE or indeed HERE to see why that amused me, perhaps I should update from it being Victorian to much much earlier!

1 comment:

  1. The quilting piece is going to be lovely.
    I did smile at your stitching with hair story, it's a great idea.
    Did you see my Stitching Library post about the book which used hair for making braided cords?
