Thursday, 11 August 2022

BFF RAL 2 back down to Earth

So we remain undecided about a new in tandem project and it is too hot to do much thinking about "new" so our evenings will continue as a Random Along and we will each be working on whatever is at hand or shouts the loudest to be done.

Last week there was the start of a bit of quilting..and I was finding that rather soothing so the hand quilting part is all done. Including the little strip of coordinating fabric which will go on the back of the cushion this is destined to be.

Still have the machine quilting to go around the bear (and the toys) before turning it into the finished item.  It mat have a little wait before I get the sewing machine out next to work on it.

So this evening it was back to millennium and the land mass on the earth. A nice fill type section at the top and some dotting about the place through the middle and lower down.

There is still some curvature happening and I still rather like it that way.

My BFF also rang the changes this week, CLICK HERE to see what she worked on.

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