Sunday, 14 August 2022


 The next step with the teddy cushion is to fill in the background and it has been a while since I tried this.

Now as mentioned before random is difficult but I am reasonably happy with the result, the stitches are not perfectly regular in size but they are OK.

There are some eyelashes on the bends here and there however, as the back of the work will not be seen and the stitches are secure enough it has been a good practice piece.

And it gives the bear a nice little round belly.

Not sure when the sewing machine will next be out for the next step towards the cushion.


  1. He's very cute and your swirly background looks great.

  2. Oh yes the stippling seems to bring out the work on your other quilting somehow. Very nice!

  3. I don't know much about quilting, but your Teddy looks great so far!
