Thursday, 25 August 2022

FFO and BFF RAL updates

I have previously mentioned the lack of square frames  that are not box frames. Indeed  when I have found square frames I have felt a bit like goldilocks,  One was too large, one was too small, before I found one that was Just right. 

Well sort of I had originally thought that brushed silver would look good. 

And here it is in its frame.

I quite like the look of it in this frame now that it is in there.

Now the pattern has a name Yggdrasil (which a quick search turns out to be old Norse and means an intense and central sacred tree) however I am calling mine

 Knot, Just a Tree

 and I am calling my BFF's

 Knot Just A Tree.  

That comma is very important as denotes the same but different aspects of  our approach to this pattern. 

As for this evenings sewing, more work on Millennium and on the Earth. There was quite a bit of white filling in and the curvature remains and I am still liking that.

So CLICK HERE for my BFF's update.


  1. I do like your naming convention, although in my head mine remains Big Celtic Thingummy

  2. I love the two names. Yggdrasil was the Y design for the Dark Alphabet and was my contribution to the design process too!
    Your frame looks great, just the perfect size.
