Thursday, 18 August 2022

BFF RAL 2 a grey day

 outside which was actually rather nice, cool after the heat.

And grey was the thread choice of the day.  There is still a good bit of 415 in the earth and the moon.

I want to complete the coloured stitches so I can just fill with the white as it is quite difficult to see.

Still no decision on a joint project so anticipate further Random A Long next week.

CLICK Here to see how my BFF is doing.

I was thinking about this month in years past when the local show would be only weeks away and I would oft as not be rushing to finish entries for as many categories as I could. It was a great motivator for getting thins finished.

The craft competition stopped in 2017 and the running of the show was passed to a management company from the local council. The Charities tent went next, although it had somewhat reduced to tombola after tombola there had still been interesting groups to learn about.

The craft aspect became just those selling their projects but it just about made it worth popping over to the show field to see what was there, mind that was also beginning to decline in quality  and levels of craft.

This year an entrance fee is being charged to go onto the show ground, and I will not be popping over at all.

It is sad..but perhaps my BFF and I will manage a get together, it might not be the handing in of entries followed by dinner then a morning visit to see what had placed,  Maybe we can start a new September Show day tradition, just without the show.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely work on your Earth and Moon, they are so detailed.
    Such a shame about the show too. I am quite envious of our US friends with their State Fairs and competitions.
