Sunday, 30 June 2019

Sunday Stitching add on

So you may recall I added a second Ed to my Sunday Stitching and noted it had a deadline so would get more attention.

Well here it is with the stitching all finished.

And the deadline, well it was one with some uncertainty too it and a level of flexibility.  On one hand it has slightly passed and you can guess what it related to by the Ed.  And on the other hand it is tomorrow (it should have been Wednesday but something else came up for me which makes it tomorrow instead.

So the dilemma, whilst the stitching is finished the item is not, not framed that is and of course being me I forgot to make any clear decisions about that, was it to be a card or a picture.

Having worked to a finish I am now too mentally pooped to start sorting that out.  So do I take the stitching in, show the intended recipient and:

A) Give it to her and let her frame it as she sees fit.  (She is into crafts and might enjoy that)
B) Ask her id she wants me to wait till there is a name to add along with date ect and arrange to get it to her after that.
C) Other sudden inspirational thought as the last min! Or if she reads this (might happen) and makes a comment!


  1. It turned out super cute!

    I vote for option B. That way it doesn't seem like you finished it at the last minute for her and you are letting her make the finishing decision.

  2. So adorable! I might have gone with option B, but I see you went with option A and I totally understand your reason. I'm sure she will make it with a wonderful finish.
