Sunday, 9 June 2019

Bits-A-Quilt construction

Making a Bits -A -Quilt is a bit like a material jigsaw puzzle. Only with no picture to follow and only the rules you set for yourself.

I try to just sew together edges that fit.  Not make decisions on the fabric or the colour just the bits as they are generated from quilting projects or whatever results in a scrap in my designated scrap bag. (although occasional I do limit the colours in the first place like with the blue and white bits-a- quilt)

As those joined bits grow, so the quilt grows and the nature of the puzzle changes and I am trying to find the bit not only to fit a particular edge but to bring blocks to a size they will sew to another block and make the top start to take shape.

I don't always generate a lot of scraps from a project, at least not what I would call a scrap anyway.  So my puzzle pieces get added slowly, get sewn when the machine is out to play for another project and there is no rush.  Remembering where the fabric came from is all part of the process for me.

Anyway today I had the opportunity to lay out the current bits, take a look , do a bit of edge matching, a it of sewing and then pop it all back in the bag till next time.

I currently have only one (well other than bits-a-quilts of which I have two) quilt in progress and that is the sampler quilt, where I am not designating anything as a scrap till it is all done as I might need it. So scrapage in general is slow.

So these are the current bits laid out for the multi coloured one, before I did the little bit of putting together today. The other one may take even longer as I am trying to restrict that one to yellow and white, so there are not always any bits to add.

This one still has a ways to go, mind having said that they appear to feel like that for a very long time and then it seams that all of a sudden they all fit and a top is done.

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