Sunday, 9 June 2019

Sunday stitching and a decision of sorts

well last I left this I was trying to stem my annoyance and frustration  at the thread bundle supplied with the booklet of patterns not containing all of the required threads.

I am still stemming...

I was also trying to make up my mind about pausing the Ed I was doing to start another that has a recipient in mind.

At the moment I have decided to work them together as there are some blended (tweeded) threads they both share and it feels less of a fuss to do the tweeding on both than on one .

So some progress on Ed 1 (blushing cheeks) completed during the week when I was thinking of changing Sunday Stitching focus has been added to with some tweeding and Ed2 has been started with the same.

Happily this went well, and I could focus on the sacrament talks and it put me in a relaxed and happy frame of mind for the Relief Society lesson...which was just as well as I was teaching it this week.


  1. Glad you were able to come up with a good solution and it put you in a relaxed frame of mine.
