Saturday, 8 June 2019

Not quite able to handle it

Making a bag from the scraps of converting my patchwork duvet cover into a patchwork quilt

I had some grey from the envelope fold and some bits and pieces form the striped material that the new edge came from.

I was thinking of a simple bag that the finished quilt could live in when not in use.

Of course me, being me, I complicated it up a bit.

Then when it came to the gusset I sewed it right side to wrong side and had to un-pick it .  I think that is were I started to loose momentum.

I managed to finish the bag, I even got the lining in.  However making and putting on the handles was just too much for the available sewing time in one day.

So for the moment it is a a bag in waiting....waiting for handles,  not too sure what form or style they will take.  Hoping to get them out of the few bits of material I have left without cutting into the larger piece.

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