Sunday, 16 June 2019

Gifted gorgeousness link up

I am sharing gifts I have received this month of crafts I have as yet never tried.

Firstly page folding, I am sure it will have a proper name, so if you know it please enlighten me in the comments.

This is a joint effort, the couple who gifted this to me work together, the husband does the page folding that creates the words and or image on the edge of the book.  His lovely wife (who's main crafting delight is card making) decorates the book, covering up the books original cover and title.

I can't see me ever trying this, I have a deeply ingrained respect for books that would make doing this feel very uncomfortable.  It is however very nice to be the recipient of all that effort.

The second item is a note card. as you can see this was purchased by my friend and I do not know if it is commercially mass produced or if it is hand made. (Again if any of you are able to say that would be good).  However it is a craft I have admired on a regular basis, and the thought of giving it a go is pleasant.   

I dare not try something new, I have so much in the planning stage, the patterns bought and the materials ready or indeed the tools collected to add on anything new.

Oh it is pretty.

Thanks to both my work colleagues and my pen pal respectively for theses lovely crafty gifts.

Now if you did not arrive here from Jo's Serendipitous stitching then  click her to see more link ups


  1. The book folding art is beautiful but VERY time consuming! I made a heart once, the simplest design you can get. I used an old proof copy of a book I got from work. We can't pass them on and can only recycle them so it made sense to use for book-art.

    The quilling is beautiful too.

  2. Ian finds it soothing,nice to think he enjoyed making this for me.

  3. I think page folding is a really impressive craft, I don't have the heart to try my hand at it because I love books so much, but I admire the work that goes into this and I think the result is really beautiful =)

  4. Very cool! I think it mys take a lot of patience to get it folded just right for the words just right. You are a lucky recipient!

  5. I love paper crafts, to see, not to try lol!AriadnefromGreece!

  6. I've never seen folded page art before. It is quite stunning, and obviously a labour of love. You were given two beautiful gifts.
