Friday, 24 January 2014

Bits and scraps (quilt)

I have mentioned before that I hoard, and keep "stuff" and abhor waste.

Well cutting strips for logcabin from shirt pieces left bits and scraps which would not go into the young women's quilts.  The girls inclination was to throw them away regardless of size.  However, week after week I would not let them and popped the scraps into a bag.

They thought I was crazy..well there is that possibility!

A few weeks after their quilts were finished (see post entitled more obsession sharing) I had a a surprise for them, a finished project of my own.

A quilt made from bits, a bits-a-quilt.  I did just use the blue and white from all three quilts, the tartan and yellow jarred a little as there was not much of that. (No it did not get thrown away either it will turn up later I promise).

Blue bits quilt with pale binding
The girls were suitably impressed that you can make quilts with lots of bits which can look as good and keep you as warm as one made using BIG pieces.  I will admit none of them (so far at least) have gone on to make a bits-a-quilt of their own however, one inspired friend is in the process of making her interpretation on the theme.

Bits quilt with dark blue binding

The quilt originally had a light blue binding, which you can see to the left.  However, due to a lot of use that was starting to wear out so I added a second edge binding.

I had to use something different as none of the the original material was left.  So this time I went with a dark blue, it makes quite a difference to the look of the quilt.  Happily I do prefer the darker edge and my quilt has lots more years use in it still.

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