Thursday, 12 December 2024

BFF RAL or was it

 we had a later start that became no start at all. We have been using Facebook Messenger for our get togethers as Skype had become unworkable for some reason.

This evening Messenger was not feeling cooperative. We tried for a bit wondering if it was my device or my BFF's before we thought to google it and discovered it was not our problem but a general one.

By that point we had lost half an hour of time and had to reluctantly accept that we were not going to get our sewing session even remotely.

I had picked up my RAL and was determined to finish the browns so kept going after  we gave up on our plans.

So here it is. 

It still puts me in mind of little Egyptian Figures on a wall. That is not what they are and I am sure the next colours will bring that out. The backstitching certainly will. 

We had intended this to be our last RAL or indeed SAL for the year. Christmas stuff of one sort of another requiring our time. However, as this was not a proper get together we will try to find a time slot next week.

It is at this point I normally add a link to my BFF's blog for her update. Well, as a tech type she was more frustrated than me about the on line thing not happening with nothing we could do to sort it and did not feel in the right frame of mind to sew. Her intent was to play video games and have the tech there do her bidding.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oo they look like tiny footprints now!! (Roni)