Sunday, 15 September 2024

Sunday Stitchings meets Gifted Gorgeousness

 so as the 15th of the month falls on a Sunday and the item that I am currently working on on Sundays happens to be a kit gifted to me this post happily is both.

Still working in brown although I think I might have finished all of the stitches in this shade, there may of course be ninjas lurking about waiting to catch me unaware!

Ah and talking of ninja stitches today was also Stake Conference, its too long a combined time of sitting for my mother so we watched from home via you tube and I thought I might get out my normal conference stitch and work on that. On the World and THAT comet.

I did get it out, and each celestial body got a few stitches however, I am still struggling with "seeing" just where I am and what stitches need to be in what shade where! So I took the few as a win and turned back to something nice and friendly on 14 count.

CLICK HERE to go to the host blog and find other participating blogs (oh and for the rules on the GG posts click HERE as it is a much better explanation than can provide.


  1. Sunday stitchings sound great with nice progress on your WIP; Today I only cut some felt and crocheted 3 squares maybe a Monday stitching... fingers crossed! xxx

  2. Awww your kitten is coming along nicely! I'm sure your friend is thrilled you are stitching on the gift she gave you! How wonderful that you get to stitch with your Mom. My Mom and I loved doing crafts together, but she never really got into counted cross stitch. Happy Stitching!
