Thursday 16 May 2024

BFF SAL 16 Fish and Chips and feet.

 It has been a long week at work so far already and I was already feeling tired, so was my BFF but rather than a joint declaration of "lets give it a miss tonight" we both wanted to get started on our next project.

We have been looking forward to this one, perhaps a little too much and the anticipation let to a little bit of trepidation this might become like the last project started with joint enthusiasm to become a chore then cut down to size and a happy finish. Only time will tell.

Not much to show for a start but here it is BFF 16 (wow so many)

and the fish and chips, well tired ruled out cooking and the alternative repast of fish and chips arrived a bit late and had to be eaten during stitching time. Oh the horror of it, so I have dispensation for a little off camera time before next week.

And the socks, grey stripy socks? Well that was my view of the world when Roni put her laptop on the floor as she hunted for an elusive thread.

Shame they were not purple stripes as that would have matched the Quiet Roni design.

Click HERE to see how Roni's BFF 16 has begun.

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