Wednesday, 29 March 2023

BFF SAL 11 wallpaper

 completed, it is not photographing well here but you get the drift I hope

Now as per our agreement as that was not on the original pattern I was allowed to sew it outside the set BFF stitching time.

So what did I do tonight?

well I am working on something that I am not sure I am happy was a good idea, I think it is , then I think it isn't and then maybe and around I go. So I am not sharing it just yet, not in mid concept, not till it is done.

However, it is a Magnus Magnusson moment ...I have started so I will finish, there is no other option as the frog can not help me here.

Fingers crossed its going to work.

Pop on over to my BFF to view her progress and the gift from my pattern (its not going into mine so she can have it for hers) that feels like my progress too.

1 comment:

  1. I like the grandeur that the wallpaper adds here, a high ceiling would give so much wall space for all the lovely stitches!
