Thursday, 27 October 2022

A bit of an experiment

 You may recall my needing some blue Aida and using my fabric dye pens to do that ICE BLUE

I came across a pattern that I quite liked the look of and at first glance thought it was full coverage and I did not feel like doing that much stitching at that time.

Then my BFF who had also taken an interest in the pattern pointed out it was not full coverage but on a specially dyed piece of material.

That set me thinking, and some more experimenting followed.

This is the Aida with the dye pens colouring it in but not ironed to fix the colour.

Then soaked in water to let the colours run and blend, softening the edges. 

Thak helped and it looked a little better. It certainly made the Aida soft. 

The thing I still find funny is how differently it looks as I start to sew and in contrast to the stitching.

you would think I had added a lot more colour here, but then the next stage, still just with the black is looking lighter again.

I think if the head of the right cat had been more "there" at this point I might have decided to stop there I rather liked that effect. But if you look at my Halloween post for this year you will see I just kept going.

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous fabric! I’ve experimented with felt tipped pens and fabric before. Have you seen the pieces I did?
