Friday, 17 December 2021

BFF Sal 5 the Christmas one

 as my BFF notes on her update (click here) I was not feeling all that well however my waiting on the star for her to finish the backstitch was nagging at her.

So I have so far changed the material, the colours, the pattern either inadvertently (fat bottomed sheep) or advertently (the big onion or rather lack thereof) so I guess the star would be no different.

First the colour, it is gold on the pattern but after that sky adjustment the gold did not have much impact so I changed it to a metallic blue.

The star was the "new" technique we were trying on this BFF SAL.

You start with the straight lines then draw them together into the star with a central stitch.

This is how it looked with just the straight lines on it.


It felt a bit too square, I did pull it together with the middle stitch to check.

And nope yet another thing I was going to change. I wanted the star to point downward a bit more.

So I took it out and started again and made it a little less symmetrical.

The middle stitch over the middle is quite prominent so I think it would need a reasonably deep mount (same as if adding seed beads) not sure yet about how going to finish this. 

Once I had done that well a few little single strand stitches in the blue on the path in the places the pattern had gold. I have followed the pattern more than not.

And well I was on a meddling roll and added some iridescent thread to the sky and the swaddling. E3747. I only realised when I was making a note of the number for the blog that I had two..why because on one the iridescence is more blue toned and the other more green.

Not sure that it is all that visible in real life never mind on the photographs but I feel better about it with the additions.

So here it is 

I did not do any work on BFF6 and we finished earlier than usual although at the end I still felt physically rough my spirits were lifted.


  1. This is why we meet in our virtual existences... To keep our mutual spirits up. I always enjoy our time together, however brief or however little is 'achieved'.

  2. That's a great way of making a star, it looks lovely and sparkly.
