Friday, 24 September 2021

BFF Sal in a funny mood

 so a new start after the little break from joint projects.

This should be on 28 count evenweave, in a cream shade.

I am using 14 count Aida in white. 

It should be particular set colours.

I am using my box of random whatever's.

And the first grey blob (my starting point) should be one stich thinner.

Ah well we will just have to see how it turns out in the same yet different comparison to my BFF who intends to stitch as best she can to the pattern.

for once we started in the same place (grey blob at the bottom) but the same starting place has not resulted in same approach to the stitching.

For details of the pattern and a glimpse of the right colours pop over to my BFF's blog CLICK here for LINK


  1. I like the joint SALs where you stitch the same project, it's fun to see the differences!

  2. Me too, it's just hard to keep finding things we both like or want to be stitching!!
